What's really overrated ?
In different perspectives, everything can be overrated. Standards and norms are just a simple measurements to define something being overrated. For me, most of the things in life are overrated. Maybe I'm just another step closer to nirvana and being a true Buddhist, I'd started to look at things in a different perspective and differ myself in applying normal standards.
There are few things that are overrated, in my opinion. Firstly, is the global oil price. How could, in a few years time, the oil price could rise a few folds, exponentially ? When you heard about the depletion of the resources as the main factor, think again ... Why don't they increased it in accordance to availability of it few years ago ? Were scientists and researchers on oil & gas field much more stupid back then and couldn't predict about the availability of oil ? Or maybe some giant oil sucking monster suddenly evolve from a cockroach and start sucking up all the oil ? Or maybe it's a job of speculation to push the oil price few folds ? For every reasons that possibly exist, the current oil price definitely is overrated, or overpriced. And due to that, our overrated ruling government increased the fuel price at a rate of 40% to starve the pitiful citizens.
Relationship is another overrated aspect in life. When you're in a relationship, you'd start to overrate everything that involves around you, all the stupid dates with stupid meanings like first time eating ice-cream and will be followed up with monthly ice-cream anniversary. Then you'd start to think that your partner is somehow a superman or superwoman and later on got disappointed with them due to their inability, as not everyone is a romantic over achiever like me :P Then you'd argue on the small small issues that are not important at all like how he uses the toilet or how her small habits annoy you; small things make complicated..
And also, facebook is overrated too. It's full of spam with all the nonsense applications that need you to forward to every of your friends (spam your friends(any tom dick and harry you add in face book)) in order to fully utilize the application. Then, you'd start cam-whoring to put some best pictures of yourself on the profile so that you could be auctioned for the highest price in one of the nonsense application.
But what's really really overrated ? The word "OVERRATED" is the most overrated thing in the entire universe. For all the nonsense that I'd wrote above to exaggerate all the things I think being overrated, it would not be overrated if I never overrate it. Just like when you tell stories about how superior the kungfu master on top of the hill is; story telling is about exaggerating the facts and making something common dramatic, so that it will be overrated. Blogging is a part of it.
p/s: I actually like the Growing Gifts application in facebook :P For some overrated reasons of course :)
talk cock, u mau kena tampar? cakap sini sana also pasal fatty. slap slap!!
2:14 AM
Haha.. Subsidy konon!!.. >.O
11:25 PM
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