Saturday, May 09, 2009

Casino d' Love

Love is like gambling, just like betting in a casino. People say, the odds are 50 - 50, love or not love, just like a normal roulette game win or no win, regardless of the odds. The probability of every round is independent. The last round you buy odd on roulette and lost, doesn't make your chances of winning higher this round if you buy odd again. Same applies to love, you got dumped on your previous relationship doesn't mean you got a higher chance this time. And for most games in the casino, most odds are against you.. just like unrequited love :p People still choose to bet because they think they're the casino raiders; too much Chow Yun Fatt movies.

A simpler love game is equivalent to Baccarat. In this game, the chances are really 50 - 50 as the casino wont gain any commission from you, different from roulette or other available games. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose .. sometimes you're loved, and sometimes you're not. But then, a lot people think that they are casino raiders, and bet on impossible such as Banker-Tie, which pays 8 times more. It's like hitting on a pretty model beyond your league, most likely to lose but the gain is good when you win.

Still, it feels good to win five round's of Tie .. and somehow I felt like I'm like the casino raiders.. just minus the hot girls as shown in movie.


Anonymous lalala said...

merepek betul!

12:13 AM


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