Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mamak Chat

One of the shitty part of my biological system is that when I consume alcohol or Teh-O (lipton or any yellow tea.. my body can accept chinese tea quite well) I can't sleep. And when I can't sleep, you can see me blogging.

So just now we had a fun conversation during the Teh-O session, Keat told Mun to find a FUBU from his uni mates to cure his jiwangness and Mun said that all of them are not a suitable FUBU candidate due to their 'kekuatan iman'.. so this is what Keat taught us:

Keat : Hi.. wanna be my FUBU ?
Girl  : But we are friends.. it's not right to do it ..
Keat : Then, tonight we'll be boyfriend/girfriend and tomorrow we'll be friends back .
Girl : Oh .. ok :)

Above scenario is just a simulation by Keat and has no guarantee on the success rate. But still, Keat is always claimed to be the most 'bahagia' among us so he has all the rights to say all these nonsense :p


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dont drink alcohol/tea next time :)

9:48 AM


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