Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Exam Trivia

Seriously, I'd lost track on how many times and how many similar occasions that I've been through. Student's life is always about crappy examinations and assignments.. although some might be a little more dramatic with jiwang issues..

When you knew that you fucked up most of your midterms and carry marks, you'll started to freak out. Yet, sometimes the intention to slack is way stronger than what you could imagine of. I'd just finished a series of japanese drama .. and total of 2 series since the begining of study week..

Gotta start to freak out.



Blogger Unknown said...

berusaha brader....
what will be, will be..

12:23 PM

Blogger imaginator said...

dah hailat

9:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

choi .. tak mau hailat ..

kena steady macam tugu negara !

3:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

baca max je..
hidup mmg jiwang

4:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

seng suka melacur. wukaka!

5:58 PM


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