Friday, October 26, 2007

Farewell doggy~

At first I was planning to blog bout my crappy life during holidays but now I'm not in the mood.. my doggy went to find Uncle Lim for good .. Although we have not been together for long, I will miss you ..

Ahh.. emo ! :(

Friday, October 05, 2007



I've no idea why god likes to play a fool with me and freak me out. Everytime when there's final examinations, electricity blackout will happen on the night before one of the crappy subject without fail. There's once I need to go to my friend's place to continue my very last minute revision. Yesterday it happened again.. creepy ~



Seriously what's wrong with eating snake, until those pro-life and vegetarian condeming how cruel and gruesome he is.. If one really loves nature, one should just go kill himself as we human are taxing the environment anyway.. just like me writing nonsense and you reading my nonsense in this crappy blog.. using the PC consume electricity and hey.. where does electricity comes from ? NATURE !!!

Does god has a reason to create herbivour, carnivour and omnivour ? What's wrong with eating meat/killing for food ?



I'm currently obsessed with McDonalds due to the promotions they are having. There's this very sweet looking girl working at the drive-tru McD near my area, and her smile is as sweet as gula melaka !!

Too much mcD fries till my cough never cured even after weeks, and yesterday night was coughing badly.. why is life so difficult ? All I want is McD and her sweet smile ~
Ronald must be doing a very good job in training all the staffs to smile :) :)



I am sick enough to create a jiwang group in friendster. Some of the post are quite funny. If you guys are jiwang and wanted to have some good laugh, join the jiwang group !
