Wednesday, July 23, 2008



In case for those that couldn't comprehend the above phrase, it means that even if you believe, there's always lies beneath it. In life, how much can we have faith and believe in others ?

The people that you're closest with and trust the most might be hiding some truth from you, be it for good or bad reasons.

Just like when you're telling your partner that you love her forever, when the relationship is still going on, she might believe on it, and when things turn sour, she will tell you that everything you'd told her is a lie.

I knew a girl who once told me that she never really trust others, as trusting in others make a person vulnerable. This might be the reason why she has little faith in relationship.

I told myself that I believe the day will come.. or am I telling myself a lie ?

Hmmm ... cest' la vie ~ That's life ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes.. everyone lies...
your parents lie, your friends lie, your partner lies, your teachers lie..
Sick of liars...
If something seems to good to be true, not believing might be the best option.... trust only yourself...

3:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

something lie is not bad afterall.
what i am telling u..i dont think its a lie. But when till one does not happens as what i said not means that i lie. It just dont turns our what we want..cheers~

12:57 PM

Blogger Chika Chika said...

kepercayaan sepenuhnya beerti 50.5% percaya. percaya 100%? no such word exist.


2:18 PM


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