Monday, October 03, 2005

The Gamers

My cousin's gf was talking bout Sodaku or something like that in her blog. She should be more up-to-date since those puzzle games are outdated. Nowadays, brats like us go for online games, may it be DoTA or some other craps. For me it's way better than stupid puzzles. Online RPG, or MMORPG is the thing we use to go on now ..

This is Maple Story, some crappy game that could waste your time easily. For those people who thinks games are useless and spending time in the virtual world is stupid(my cousin's gf is one of them .. outdated mentality) then it's totally wrong. Maybe we get nothing return in reality through it but the experience of it counts. The above picture is the sweet memory of mine throughout the game. Call me a nerd who live in the virtual world, memories are a piece of abstract thing as well.

Enjoy fellow gamers.. don't be fooled by stupid puzzle games. This is the Age of GEEK!


Blogger Su Ling said... game to say i love you. wasting time. non-educational game. bad!

3:01 AM


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