Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dr. Eng therapy report

Well, the next day this girl look and the morning sky. She told me that the sky is beautiful, cirrus cloud, blue sky but she was not really free to gaze on it for a long time.

Dr.Eng: Well, now try to imagine the night sky. Clouds are only pretty when you see from a far, so do the stars since when you're on the planet itself it will feel nothing. Do you know the reason why I ask you to look at the sky ?

Girl: You're asking me to see things in different perspective. When you're too deeply or too near/obsessed with the issue then you will not feel the beauty of it.

Dr.Eng: Ok, you're good.. I juz crap it out; I don't know the reason myself ..

Girl: Hahahaha

Well, the whole idea of doing this therapy means nothing but to open her heart. I couldn't help out in her relationship matter but at least I could cheer her up in some 'lame ways' and giving her enough attention so that she could be more rational, more capable of dealing with her problems. Dr.Eng never offer sollutions on problems, he will just heal the heart so that she herself will deal with it. She's happier I guess.. good luck girl !


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