Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fantasy is far from reality

I love to blog. I love writing because it links me to the ideal piece of junk that I'd wish to relate with my life. I'm addicted to fantasy and I admit that I've a great mind that manage to relate everything to make it seems ideal, interesting and fun. Writing is when I want to materialize the imagination and thoughts in my mind, to make the fantasy of my mind exist in this very moment so that it has its existance in our very existing dimension.

Sound's complicated huh? It's actually a little bit of crappy introductory to burn time. Sometimes what we had in our mind are just fantasy that shouldnt exist and shouldnt be revealed. Sometimes reality should just be ignored as fantasy is much a pleasant experience... sometimes..

Just like when you are depressed, drama characters will probably drink beer, watch cartoons with handful of crackers and chips, sobing their way to slumber. In reality, what would you do if you don't have chips, don't have a TV, don't have beers in your fridge and you're heck awake coz you've been sleeping like a pig in the evening? Time passed slowly and miserably.. just to know that you're in the reality far away from fantasy~

Argh.. too much crap. Guess I'll stop else it'll turn out like a pathetic whine of my insomnia. Writing too much do improve usage of vocabularies in English but it gets you deeper into your own fantasy. I've to wake up and keep moving.

I'll stop bloging.. for awhile maybe.. or maybe forever..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

3.20am in the morning..
and you still blogging there and write about your own fantasy. Its a good thing huh~ At least there's sumthing for me to read when i'm in the mood. Hmm..dont blogging lar u. Keep ur good work. U know there are many ppl like to read ur blog. ^_^ TA~

8:36 PM


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