a little less suspicious, a little more faith
I'd come across an interesting article in Star paper this morning about 'We're not really unfriendly anyway'. It mention about how reserve we are in socializing. We as malaysian especially the chinese community are very reserve in interacting with each other especially to strangers. It's due to the fact that since young we're taught not to receive sweets from strangers or not to talk to strangers. Couldnt be helped, our overall safety has made us laid a protective wall against unknown people, fear of being abusely taken advantage in any manner. In fact, our country is not as safe compare to those developed countries throughout the world.
When was the last time you say hi and initiate a conversation with a total stranger? Although I'm considered friendly in some sense but then I'm considered cool and conservative when it comes to this. While I was in UK, it's different whereby people will say 'Good morning' even if they meet you on the street and not knowing you at all. Same applies to some foreign mmu students where they will wish you goodluck guessing you'll be having your exams later on (from your frustrated look =P). In Malaysia, when you say 'hi' to a girl you dont know, she will think that you try to hit on her or going to sell some product to her or maybe trying to kidnap her?
Perhaps we should be a little less suspicious and have a little more faith on others. Not all guys want to get under your pants when they'd initiate a conversation tho guys are perverted bastard in some sense. But then people say it's better to be safe than sorry.. stay away from strangers.
Having faith on others is the ideal situation in any relationship between human. We're always afraid of losing, losing the trust or maybe other material loss and that's why faith always come the last. Maybe one day in the distance future where our country had reach a developed state with a very low crime rate, a peaceful community and a reputated safety level, we'll be less aware and less suspicious with people...
p/s: My current msn's profile stated 'i generate 2times the heat of normal person' due to having heaty body and sore throat. Most people who touch my body would think that I'm having fever most of the time. But then when I'd that profile, numerous msn kaki(s) think that i'm boasting bout my hotness or being hotter compare to others n they'd like 'fk you' .. kinda funny tho seems like they'd no faith on my angelic pure soul :D
human r suspicious creature anyway ~