I want doraemon door !
Ok.. here how it goes
Skinny : Ni zhai gan ma ?
Fatty : Mei shi me ..
Skinny : Lets go kai kai ..
Fatty : Zhou :D
Skinny : I wanna go to the beach *merajuk*
Fatty : -_-"
Skinny : *merajuk*
Fatty : K.. zhou la
Skinny : Wait I find my doraemon door first ..
Fatty : I'll wait you at the beach k =P
( and went offline )
So I was still thinking of where to find the doraemon door. I went to the store room and start searching for minutes. I can't even get any 'flying mini helicopter' .. just some cicak hanging on the wall. I think I should put 'doraemon door' inside my wish list for christmas so that Mr. Santa would get me one. Seriously besides doraemon door I've no alternative way to reach there. Maybe I could still drive there but the during the journey back I guess I wud just crash into some long trailer and get killed due to lethargic. Shouldn't fool around while driving -_- ..
Anyway .. just get me a doraemon door k !